Local banks band together to support FORK program
By Vilas News-Review, Posted on August 2, 2022
Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) announced that it is again holding the Cash For Kids fundraiser through the month of August to fund FORK’s five nutritional support programs that provide food to area children.
“Eagle River’s financial institutions have a long history of standing up in support of many great charitable efforts over the years,” said FORK President Perry Pokrandt. “Many of them have been and still are in support of area youth. This is the reason that we have all come together in support of the Cash For Kids fundraiser. Together we can make a real difference in helping to fund the programs of Feed Our Rural Kids to nutritionally support area children from food insecure homes.”
Community members working at these institutions expressed their enthusiasm to assist with the program, with many understanding the need FORK fills for local families and children. These businesses working together are able to provide more of an impact together than if they were to work alone.
“Being part of helping area children in support of the Cash For Kids fundraiser was an easy decision for all of us at Great North Bank,” said Kelly Skarbek, mortgage lender with Great North Bank.
Cheryl Olejniczak, branch manager for Associated Bank, added that, “From day one, our staff at Associated Bank have seen the necessity of the nutritional support FORK is trying to provide within our community.”
Jolene Richey, branch manager for Ripco Credit Union, said that staff at Ripco sees the opportunity presented by local financial institutions working together to make a larger impact for the children. Larry Snedden, vice president of commercial banking at Nicolet Bank also invited all the customers of the bank to join in support of FORK and its various programs.
Karen Klager, branch manager at BMO Harris said BMO Harris is making it as easy as possible for local people to support feeding local children by participating in the Cash For Kids fundraiser.
“At Incredible Bank we are confident that this community will rise to this challenge that is facing children from food insecure homes,” added Melissa Hopkins, manager for Incredible Bank.
“Acting in support of this effort is what hometown banking is all about at Peoples State Bank,” said Andy Jensen, branch manager at Peoples State Bank.
These financial institutions of Eagle River urge the community to support this month-long fundraiser by stopping into any of the Eagle River locations through Aug. 31 to make a donation.
The goal this year is to fund one-quarter of FORK’s annual budget by raising $25,000. Donations also can be made online at feedourruralkids.org/cashforkids.
Feed Our Rural Kids is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.