Girl Scout Cookies Donated to Fork
By Vilas County News-Review, Posted on May 26, 2020
“Generosity shines brightest in the darkest times,” said Perry Pokrandt, president of Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) Inc.
“I know it is hard, if not impossible, for some of us to imagine the challenge around being a child living in a food-insecure home. But I don’t think it would be hard to imagine how much joy that a food-insecure child would feel when given an unexpected box of Girl Scout cookies,” said Pokrandt.
The Girls Scouts organization was able to provide that kind of unexpected surprise to area children, according to Laurie Dolan; membership engagement manager, Central Region of the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes.
“Colonel Jennifer Pritzker called up our council to buy 200 boxes of Girl Scout cookies because our girls could not be out selling during the COVID-19 pandemic.,” said Dolan. “When she told us then that she wanted us to give them to FORK for distribution through their Meals Now program, we were thrilled. Then, based on the number of kids being served by FORK, we decided to donate an additional 100 boxes through the Girl Scout cookie share program!”
“This gift of those delicious Girl Scout cookies, during this challenging time, is a great example of how people can make a difference on many levels with a simple act of kindness,” said Pokrandt.
“The timing of this gift is perfect,” expressed Scott Foster, Northland Pines District Administrator. “Forks meals now program is entering a new phase from Memorial Day through the end of June, as the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is allowing school districts across the state to also provide children weekend meals that will be fully funded by the government.”
Since the Safer At Home order went into place, FORK, through their Meals Now program, has provided almost 1,200 meals per week to Northland Pines students through the district’s food distribution program.
“With some weekend nutrition provided by our government funded program, this is a great opportunity to maximize the impact FORK provides to the children with the greatest levels of food insecurity,” said Foster. “Due to great news around the expansion of tax-funded food distribution, monies raised by FORK will now be utilized in a more targeted manner.”
Pokrandt said the cookies will be delivered in upcoming Meals Now packages that will come after Memorial Day.
“FORK would like to thank Colonel Pritzker and the Girls Scouts for making the lives of children a bit brighter,” said Pokrandt.
People who would like to participate in the Girl Scout cookie share program can find more information by going to or by contacting Girl Scouts directly at (888)747-6945 or