FORK to Underwrite the Creation of a Weekend Backpack Program in Three Lakes

By , Posted on February 17, 2022

“FORK has been researching the viability of expanding all FORK programming to the Three Lakes School District as part of our planned expansion to more fully serve the children in our area. But our discussions concluded that we first needed to help put a ‘Weekend Backpack’ program in place,” stated Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) President Perry Pokrandt. “With new leadership at Faith Lutheran Church in Three Lakes and positive support within the administrative team of the Three Lakes School District, we feel that now is the perfect time to move forward with this effort.”

FORK will partner with the congregation of Faith Lutheran Church in the creation of a ‘Weekend Backpack’ program by fully funding their efforts during the new programs first year. As well as act as a resource consultant for the programs coordinating committee.

“Our church has waited a long time for the opportunity to make this kind of support available to the children from food insecure homes across the Three Lakes District,” explained Faith Lutheran Church Pastor and FORK Director Catie Ford. “My joining the FORK board of directors provided the perfect platform for the implementation of the program this spring. It’s a huge step forward for the school district, the church and the community.”

The program will emulate the current ‘Weekend Backpack’ programs run by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Eagle River and Shepard of the Lakes Lutheran Church in Sayner. These programs across the Phelps and Northland Pines School Districts currently provide children from food insecure homes with the equivalent of two meals each weekend when school is in session. That food is sent home with the kids at the end of each school week.

“This is a great opportunity for our kids,” said Three Lakes Elementary Guidance Counselor, Kirsten Margitan. “We know that nutritional support will make a difference in the lives of children not guaranteed dinner when they arrive home from school.”

“Our district administrative team is grateful Faith Lutheran Church and to Feed Our Rural Kids,” offered Ryan Bock, Three Lakes School Districts 7-12 Dean of Students. “Their efforts in support of our children provide us hope that all our kids have an equal chance succeed each day.”

To qualify for this program, household family income levels must be at or 130% of the federal poverty level. Registration forms will be sent home to all families in the Three Lakes School District during the week of March 14 th . Children whose families economically qualify for this help will then start taking home ‘Weekend Backpacks’ on Friday April 1st .

Individuals wishing to donate in support of the Three Lakes School District’s Weekend Backpack Program, or the programs that support children in the Phelps and/or Northland Pines School Districts can do so at

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