FORK Meets $20,000 Matching Grant to Feed Area Youths in July and August

By Vilas County News-Review, Posted on June 2, 2020

Margaret Baack, right, and Mike McAdams, center, presented a $20,000 check to Perry Pokrandt, president of Feed Our Rural Kids Inc. following a matching program that ended Memorial Day weekend. —Contributed Photo

Area musicians, a Land O’ Lakes couple, local donors and volunteers, and Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) Inc. teamed up last week to raise $40,000 for the organization that provides food for children.

“On Memorial Day Weekend this community came together for our children,” said Perry Pokrandt, president of FORK.

“In front of us was a big goal, but an even greater opportunity. A local couple, Mike McAdams and Margaret Baack, challenged FORK to raise $20,000 with a promise to match every donation, dollar for dollar up to $20,000,” said Pokrandt.

The Bret and Frisk and Friends concert, presented virtually May 23, raised $20,000 to match the funds offered by Mike McAdams and Margaret Baack. —STAFF PHOTO

“We did it!” offered Bret Miller, half of the musical duo Bret and Frisk. “Our musical friends through the technological magic of Tomasoski Photography and Video put on a virtual concert and through those efforts FORK was able to meet the match. How exciting for the community and for the kids.”

Bret and Frisk and Friends – A Concert for the Kids was created to raise money to support FORK’s nutritional support programs in general. But, more importantly, Pokrandt said the FORK Cares program will now deliver food to the homes of children this July and August. They did it with the generosity of McAdams and Baack.

“We were hoping that FORK would be able to meet our pledge from day one,” said Baack, speaking for herself and husband Mike McAdams. “We are excited to have the chance to write them a check for the full value of our pledge.”

FORK Cares Chairman Rick Miech said it was an important step forward for the organization.

“With this money in hand, FORK will put the finishing touches on our FORK Cares program to distribute food to the homes of children in July and August when government-funded food programs currently are scheduled to end,” said Miech.

Pokrandt said many people were responsible for the virtual concert from 6 to 8 p.m. May 23.

“Let me say, FORK is grateful to Mike and Margaret, we are awed by the musicians and the technicians who put together Bret and Frisk and Friends, and we are humbled by the support of this community to help FORK to provide nutritional support to school-aged children from food insecure homes,” said Pokrandt. “Thank you to all. You are now an important part of the FORK story.”

FORK is a registered 501(c)(3) and donations are tax deductible under the more generous rules adopted as part of the CARES Act.

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