By Vilas News-Review, Posted on June 21, 2022

FORK President Perry Pokrandt presents a check for more than $14,000 to Sandy Bishop, representing Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s Weekend Backpack program. Remaining funds will be split amongst Faith Lutheran Church in Three Lakes and Shepherd of the Lakes in Sayner. —Contributed Photo

In June, Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) issued the community a $10,000 matching grant challenge to help fund the three Northwoods Weekend Backpack programs which support children in the Northland Pines, Phelps and Three Lakes school districts.

“Though we came up a bit short of our $10,000 challenge goal, FORK is excited to be able share $18,256 in support of three great local programs,” announced FORK President Perry Pokrandt.

Beyond helping to raise funds, FORK’s goal for issuing the challenge was to shine the spotlight on the efforts of the three local churches who provide weekend backpacks containing food to area youths: Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church, Faith Lutheran Church, and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church congregations.

The actual funding for this challenge was made possible through an annual financial distribution from the Tomorrow’s Kids Endowment Fund. The endowment was first established by FORK in June 2020, so as to ensure the financial sustainability of all their programming into the future.

In February of last year, FORK announced a $1 million capital campaign to fund its endowment. Individuals can donate toward the future of FORK at

“Food insecurity is a growing problem facing many of our local kids, especially during this time of rising costs. The weekend backpack programs provide critical support to those children and their families,” Pokrandt added. “FORK wants to thank the community and the weekend backpack program volunteers for their support of the children.”

Feed Our Rural Kids is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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