FORK humbled by support given by community members

By Vilas News-Review, Posted on December 27, 2023

Dear Editor:

Looking ahead May, 2024, will mark Feed Our Rural Kids’ (FORK) fifth anniversary.

Even at my ever increasing age, I’m still challenged to understand the passing of time at its ever increasing pace. It just doesn’t make any sense when you look back and try to take it all in.

Now, with FORK’s fifth anniversary on the horizon, we reflect back on our organization’s ever growing number of milestones. We are in awe of all that was possible, in such a short period of time, and fully recognize that each of FORK’s accomplishments has only been possible through the blood, sweat, and tears of our volunteers.

In realization of such, we are humbled by the North Woods community we serve.

It is because of this long road we have traveled that the FORK Board of Directors want to offer this letter as a simple note of thank-you. We know that such simple words are in no way enough to express our appreciation for all that has been achieved and received. Yet, we need this community to know we would not have come this far without each of you.

Looking ahead, FORK will lean on the continued growth of its community support, along with the much appreciated encouragement and interest of so many.

Combined, these factors stand as the basic recipe for our organizational success. Success as measured by impactful and sustainable meal programs, collaborative support of other local food programs, ever broadening community awareness of the food insecurity issue, and FORK’s continuing financial stability and sustainability.

There is always more work to be done, and there will always be additional ways for us to improve. Yet, with that being said, FORK’s vision for 2024 is as it has been since day one — that our continued efforts provide nutritional support to children from food insecure homes within the Northland Pines, Three Lakes, and Phelps school districts.

Most Sincerely,

Perry Pokrandt

President of Feed Our Rural Kids, Inc.

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