COVID-19 Forces Early Cancellation of FORK Bike Ride

By Vilas County News-Review, Posted on April 28, 2020

“Sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps back,” said Perry Pokrandt, president of Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) Inc., “but given the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential effects on summer activities, we must now cancel the Mid-Summer’s Night Ride.”

FORK, in partnership with the Northland Pines School District and the Sayner-Star Lake Chamber of Commerce, had announced their collaboration to put on a bike ride Aug. 8 as a fundraiser to support the FORK Cares program.

“Two steps back might be a bit harsh, but the loss of the Mid-Summer’s Night Ride as a fundraiser puts a temporary $10,000 hole in FORK’s budget,” Pokrandt continued. “It is disheartening because we had a great group of people who had worked hard to put this event into place to help feed area children.”

Now, the groups plan on holding the first ride next year, according to Joan Kazda, co-chairperson for the ride.

“The good news is we have already put plans in motion for next year,” said Kazda. “So, mark your calendar for Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021, and make plans to join us.”

The Mid-Summer’s Night Ride was being billed as northern Wisconsin’s only two-wheeled ice cream crawl. Riders had a choice of a 5- or 25-mile route on the Heart of Vilas Trail between two ice cream shops: Cathy’s Ice Cream and Candy Shoppe in St. Germain, and the Corner Store in Sayner.

“The purpose of Feed Our Rural Kids is to raise money to provide nutritional support to school-aged children from food insecure homes within the Northland Pines School District, said Scott Foster, Northland Pines District administrator and FORK vice-president. “As such, the bike ride was going to be an important part of that effort. That is why we’re already planning for next year.”

Event registration for next year’s ride will be posted online New Year’s Day 2021, according to Kazda.

Individuals who would like to help FORK and their continuing efforts to feed children can visit Donations may be made via cash transfer through PayPal® or via credit or debit card. Checks are welcome and can be mailed to Feed Our Rural Kids Inc., 4887 Echo Ridge Drive, Eagle River, WI 54521.

FORK is a registered 501(c)(3), so financial contributions will be tax-deductible under the new charitable donation guidelines of the CARES Act.

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