Community helps FORK feed area children in 2020

Letter to the Editor:

Looking back at 2020, Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) Inc., has traveled a long road.

The purpose of this letter is to thank this community for coming on the journey with us.

Together we have laid forth a vision of hope for children growing up in food insecure homes.

Together we have made a promise to provide each of those kids an even playing field, where food insecurity will not stand in the way of the success of any child.

Together we were able to provide food to children during the parts of the year when traditional nutritional support was not available to them through our FORK Cares program.

Together we provided children, from homes with fast changing levels of food security, a promise of stability through our Meals Now program.

Together we provided the youngest children additional fruits and vegetables through Jump Start and supported our youngest children with our Formula Support Program.

Plus, we are most gratified by the fact that we were able to provide collaborative support and partnership to other organizations and businesses whose vision to nutritionally help kids matched up with our own.

Winning in 2020 was no small feat, yet winning may be even more of a challenge in the year that is ahead.

With that thought in mind, we want to specifically thank all our donors for their support, offering that appreciation in full recognition of all that you have made possible.


FORK Board of Directors

Perry Pokrandt


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