The Growing Impact of FORK's Legacy Fund Resources
Providing a 'LEGACY of HOPE' to our community's ongoing effort to feed kids.
The FORK Legacy Fund's mission is to provide financial support and long-term sustainability to all of our community's efforts to feed kids, both FORK managed programs as well as to the many programs run by other food support organizations across all of the Northland Pines, Three Lakes, and Phelps School Districts. More than ever, FORK's Legacy Fund stands as a 'Legacy of Hope' for generations of kids to come.
“The wonderful thing about the FORK Legacy Fund is that it's built to meet both the needs of children today and tomorrow. We meet the needs of today’s children through our annual distribution of fund assets in support of the local organizations that also work to feed children. While we ensure the sustainability of the community's future efforts to feed kids through growth of the fund’s portfolio conservatively invested over time.”
FORK Legacy Fund Committee
Through the FORK's Legacy Fund we are able to help meet some of the chronic long-term financial challenges faced by the nonprofit organizations who provide food support to children in the Northwoods.
A simple way for you to understand this is that the FORK Legacy Fund stands shoulder to shoulder with all those whose hearts are touched by the nutritional needs of children from food insecure homes.
“This is our Northwoods, It is where we live, work, and play. Together, we can make it a better place to live for children from food insecure homes."
Perry Pokrandt – President of Feed Our Rural Kids
This Legacy Fund provides an endowment through which FORK has an opportunity to underwrite a sustainable future for children from across an entire northwoods community. That is a reality where organizations from our area can continue their efforts in support of children; but do so with a confidence in the financial sustainability of their cause.
If your heart goes out to children challenged by food insecurity, then join us by contributing online or by mail. The link to donate online is found below.
Individuals who have questions related to FORK's effort to feed children can reach out via email to FORKLegacy@
FORK Legacy Fund
Donate Via Mail*
FORK Legacy Fund
4887 Echo Ridge Drive
Eagle River, WI 54521
Secure Online Donations*
Meet the FORK Legacy Fund Committee
Nancy Schuller
“FORK stands for food security for children today, the FORK Legacy Fund will stand for financial security for those efforts into tomorrow."
Brian Fitz
“As the Business Manager with the Northland Pines School District, my wife has provided me with clear insight into the tremendous impact made by FORK programs through the worst of the pandemic. I personally wanted to be involved in preserving the future those programs as well as other efforts across the community in the future.”
Kate Ferrel
"As the President of Nicolet College I understand the driving interest in the financial stability of an organization to be measured over time. FORK's Legacy Fund speaks to the long and short term financial needs of all the Northwoods organizations focused on feeding children."
Ben Rabenn (Chairman)
“Providing local efforts to feed kids with a guaranteed level of annual support will be a game changer for the organizations and for the kids."